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about raintree

It’s a vast and beau­ti­ful world out there, and with­out an explorer’s kit and guide, one may just get lost!

At Rain­tree, we believe that guide comes in the form of pur­pose­ful teach­ing.  When the goal of an edu­ca­tion moves beyond pass­ing a test, but becomes the means in which chil­dren prac­tice being human, we can look about school with fresh eyes.  Tak­ing in the total­ity of what an edu­ca­tion can con­tain, Rain­tree School frees each child to be adven­tur­ous in thought and gen­er­ous of spirit.

"Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire."

                                               - William Butler Yeats

There's a certain ecosystem of thought that Raintree students operate within. Amidst this thought ecosystem we are each and collaboratively creative, adaptive, permeable, dynamic, systemic, and self-correcting.


Guided by the Reg­gio approach, Rain­tree stu­dents expe­ri­ence our trans­for­ma­tional project-based cur­ricu­lum that is hands-on, inter­dis­ci­pli­nary, requires team­work, and encour­ages risk-taking. Our model spurs chil­dren to go out and apply what they’ve learned to prob­lems that they’ve never seen before with parts that they’ve never used before.  It is truly a test of mind and character.​


Shouldn’t every stu­dent in every school be doing exactly that – mak­ing things from what they learn and using the things they make? It speaks vol­umes about the qual­ity and rel­e­vance of the edu­ca­tion being offered if the stu­dents are also enthu­si­as­tic, inno­v­a­tive, and proac­tive mem­bers of their community.


We teach young chil­dren to think crit­i­cally and cre­atively, com­mu­ni­cate effec­tively, and col­lab­o­rate.  After all, inno­v­a­tive chil­dren must act dif­fer­ent to think dif­fer­ent.  So Rain­tree School has built a cul­ture of inno­va­tion in every nook and cranny of our cam­pus.  Rain­tree is a place where young chil­dren are given habits for success:


  • Resilience and Persistence

  • Will­ingness to Experiment and Take Cal­cu­lated Risks

  • Self-confidence

  • Intellectual Courage

  • Design Think­ing

  • Curios­ity and Imagination

  • Col­lab­o­ra­tion and Dependability

  • Empathy and Charity

  • Generosity and Patience


And it takes time to build a life­long learner such as this.  You won’t find us rac­ing to the prover­bial test­ing fin­ish line here.  By under­stand­ing, rein­forc­ing, and mod­el­ing high-level think­ing, Rain­tree finds ways to develop the habits of mind we want our future lead­ers to possess.  At Rain­tree, we take all things in the full­ness of time – let it brew.  That pur­pose – that why – is our foundation.


a place where children are engaged in civic mindfulness; where young citizens share a sense of common good, intellectual courage and a love for all things wild.

2100 South Mason Rd.

St. Louis, MO 63131

​tel. 314.858.1033

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