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You’ve done your home­work.  For­est School, the Reg­gio approach, Cit­i­zen Sci­ence, local food…you know about it all.  Those inspir­ing and delight­ful quirks that make Rain­tree unique are the right fit for your fam­ily and now you’re ready to get started.  Rain­tree School seeks to enroll stu­dents from diverse back­grounds who will ben­e­fit from our dis­tinc­tive edu­ca­tional pro­gram and who value the per­sonal and social ben­e­fits of attend­ing a small school in the for­est. To learn more about Rain­tree, or to sched­ule a visit, con­tact us here.


We look for­ward to get­ting to know your whole fam­ily and in doing so we hope that you come to share our enthu­si­asm for the excep­tional edu­ca­tion we offer.


We are cur­rently accept­ing appli­ca­tions. If you’re ready to enroll, please sub­mit the enroll­ment appli­ca­tion and sup­port­ing forms.   For more infor­ma­tion please con­tact us at (314) 858.1033 or sub­mit an infor­ma­tion request.

a place where children are engaged in civic mindfulness; where young citizens share a sense of common good, intellectual courage and a love for all things wild.

2100 South Mason Rd.

St. Louis, MO 63131

​tel. 314.858.1033

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