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The chil­dren of Rain­tree, happy to skip off the beaten track and frolic in the world of adven­ture can often be found grappling with the small and great chal­lenges they face as members of our world: pre­serv­ing their for­est, rescuing creatures, cleaning polluted waterways, and reminding people to watch out for turtles on the road.

Cit­i­zens are many things:  creative, passionate, eager, dedicated, intelligent, and responsible.  So whether it's observ­ing and doc­u­ment­ing the hap­pen­ings of the nat­ural world or keep­ing tabs on the wild things you love; the power of Raintree projects lies in that magic space. A space where loving the place you are in and wanting to make it better meets the optimism and creative thinking of young children with agency.

At Rain­tree, our stu­dents delve into community-based projects as a way to find their place in the world and to make their voice heard. 


From our youngest stu­dents to our oldest, Rain­tree chil­dren are chang­ing the world, and they are doing it with muddy hands, a beam­ing smile, and a heart full of wonder!

a place where children are engaged in civic mindfulness; where young citizens share a sense of common good, intellectual courage and a love for all things wild.

2100 South Mason Rd.

St. Louis, MO 63131

​tel. 314.858.1033

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