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Kindergarten: Students must be 5 years old by August 1st to be eligible.

Grade 1: Students must be 6 years old by August 1st to be eligible.

Grade 2: Students must be 7 years old by August 1st to be eligible.

Attendance Options:

  • Full-time - 5 days/week, 7:30 am - 5 pm (class from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm)

  • No other attendance schedules available for these grade levels

At Rain­tree, we know that a school with a chal­leng­ing learn­ing envi­ron­ment is not built with pres­sure and stress. It is tak­ing risks and try­ing new things. It’s explor­ing vast regions of pos­si­bil­i­ties and test­ing your under­stand­ing of Sci­ence, Math­e­mat­ics, and the Human­i­ties against the world around you.

Long-term project work pro­vides an envi­ron­ment in which stu­dents take part in con­struct­ing their cur­ricu­lum. Elementary students at Rain­tree are offered choices.  Our small class size cre­ates the ideal set­ting where teach­ers are able to allow for indi­vid­ual pac­ing, to allow for close mon­i­tor­ing of each student’s progress, allow­ing each stu­dent an active part in the school community.


The goal of our program is to provide the scaffolding for well rounded, all encompassing literacy. Everyday, children are listening, reading, writing and speaking through our phonics program. Overtime, all of these skills come together to form creative, skillful readers and writers. 


Math is everywhere and is in everything. It extends way beyond a few problems on a worksheet or even the walls of a classroom. Elementary students at Raintree are encouraged to approach math with curiosity and excitement. With an open mind, students are able to connect the math ideas and concepts they have learned to the world around them.


Most of the Raintree curriculum shines through in student-driven, long term projects. With each project, our stu­dents think crit­i­cally and apply their skills in Math­e­mat­ics, Read­ing, Writ­ing, Sci­ence, Ecol­ogy, and the Human­i­ties. As they tackle the tricky work of find­ing answers to their own ques­tions, they are dri­ven by clar­ity of thought and passion for what they are discovering. Projects at the elementary age shifts to build the skills of citizenship and social responsibility, which is achieved through the pursuit of solving real problems in our own city. 


Immersed in the woodlands around us, each child has their own opportunity to freely explore whatever peeks their curiosity. The forest is their playground. The vines hanging from the trees are their swings and the trenches of the valleys their slides. But, more than this, the forest is a home for them, and they learn to take pride in it. They are transformed into stewards of the forest, caring for all creatures and growth that share their woodland home. 

a place where children are engaged in civic mindfulness; where young citizens share a sense of common good, intellectual courage and a love for all things wild.

2100 South Mason Rd.

St. Louis, MO 63131

​tel. 314.858.1033

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