'True Forest' at Geekway to the West
"Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success."
Tim Brown
Why save all the fun for grown-ups? Raintree kids don't. They've taken the lessons from Stanford's d. school and integrated them into their own modus operandi. Yup, design thinking hit the kindergarteners hard this year and they are moving with it at full steam. May 2018, the kindergarten game designers are proud to have their game, 'True Forest', in the running at Prototype Alley at the Geekway to the West game design contest.
Using empathy and experimentation to drive toward innovative board game creation, this year's kindergarten class have completed their first prototype of their board game for the world. And now they're taking it public. Want to be part of excitement? Sure you do. Meet them at Round One, May 18th, 10am-2pm at Prototype Alley during Geekway to the West. You'll get a chance to play their board game, watch their demo, and complete a feedback form for the group to consider for their next prototype.